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Sunday 12 August 2012

The pursuit of Happyness

There comes a phase in everyone’s life where nothing could go wrong,even if you tried.Things are soo good,you wonder if you are in a dream.You pinch yourself,and the moment it hurts you realize that No,it isn't.but then it’s too good to be true.
You look back at that time,you remember the broad grin you had,the air of happiness and invincibility you felt and most of all the feel good feeling you had about yourself.
Everything around you feels right the weather,the people,the awkward moments that you would have screamed out before at.It's like you're in Disneyland without a ticket,but you're still allowed to enjoy the place.
You were where you belonged,something that you believe you deserved and was long overdue in your mind you are the king of the world and you thought it would last for ever.
Time passes on,you realise that nothing lasts for ever,you know it didn’t have to come to know you shouldn’t have let it happen..yet you did…and now look where it’s brought pinch yourself again…this time you curse yourself that it isnt a dream..
You smile cos you don’t want others to know…you dnt talk to people to avoid the questions…you don’t let them know what you are going through…you keep humming a tune in your head…as that’s the only thing that can stop you from breaking into try to imagine it’s all fine…but you realise you cant even lie to yourself..let alone comfort..
You notice your friends,family…everyone’s there for you.They try to make you feel better,say things that motivate you,and you let them know it’s working….you just don’t tell them it isnt….you realise that the pain is yours and yours alone..and they will have to be you to realise what it is….but you don’t want them to go through it..
You want to scream out loud…but the voice doesn’t come out..You try to get busy with life…but your mind doesn’t permit you….you cant sleep because of the cant eat cos you cant taste it….everything that you thought would happen only in movies begins to happen to you…
You wish you had another chance,you wish you can have another go at know it will work this time around…you know what to do this time..but it isnt up to hope you get that chance to set right everything that has hope things will work out fine and you will be happy again..but you know it isnt up to you……all you can do is just hope and keep that’s only you who still holds onto that belief..but deep inside you know it will work…those days will come may take days….weeks..months..years…but you know it will come back..because whatever it was that messed it up…you know that whatever you had experienced was was something you felt from the bottom of your heaat..and it won’t go wrong…you are sure of it….and now you wait..

To transcend pain you must first experience it.How else can you really know the joy of being on the summit of a mountain if you haven’t first visited the lowest valley.
You know things will be all right…you begin to believe that Al pacino was begin to believe that life is gained in inches..the margin for error is so high that one half a second  too early or too late and you don’t quite make half a second too slow,too fast you don’t quite catch it,the inches we need are everywhere around us..every break..every minute..every second..and here…you fight for that inch…here you tear yourself and everyone else around you to pieces for that inch…you claw with your fingernails for that inch..because when you add up all those’s gonna make the single difference between winning and losing…In a fight it’s the guy who’s willing to die who’s going to make that inch…and you know that if you have any life left in you you are willing to fight and die for that inch..
you believe you can see this phase through..after all that’s all it is …a phase that will pass…..the light at the end of the tunnel..or as we reds sing and believe….”The golden sky at the end of a storm”…you realize it’s something you are not going to give up realise it’s  worth fighting for..and you realise that insipte of having to do it will give it your wont give up…as only you realise what it’s wont give up..cos you don’t want wont give up..cos you always knew…it’d come down to this and this will be prepared…and you wont give up…cos you know…you will Win…simply…cos you arent gona give up..
And a new phase starts in your life…it’s neithr one of happiness or sadness..but full of hope ,belief and faith…a phase where you fufulfill your dreams and reach your destiny..a phase that’s all about the essential wisdom of listening to your heart and above all following your dreams…You set out on a journey…this time it’s a pursuit of happiness..
You know that however rocky the path may be,or however hard the obstacles are..there will come a tiny moment later on..a phase so small that you will be lost in it…the little phase in your life…that is aptly named……. Happiness